Kamis, 26 Juli 2012

the Making of BATIK (bhatique)

Batik, (also u can say 'bhatique') is Indonesia Traditional Textille.
all the process are so natural.

start with manual design :)
for example like this

after, the disign ready, we've got to draw in manual on the white cotton fabric or silk.  Ussualy lenght of the fabric are 2 meters.
next process is layering the pen draw with "malam" .. simillar with candle material.
and using pen called 'canting

Canting and Malam

  the drawing process

 The layering pen sketch with Malam, also can do with mold iron, or combine that 2 kind of process.

Layering Process using mold iron

the combine process

After the layering process done, the fabric need to put in some water to remove the layer and to coloring it.
the process of washing and draw need to do in several time, depend of how many color in 1 fabric.

washing and coloring process

end off process, dried the Batik

my design and production using Batik

Jumat, 13 Juli 2012



di Phiebhatique FDT (fashion design Tutorial),
satu2 nya tutorial Online di  INDONESIA.


1. biaya pendaftaran Rp. 49.900
2. inbox ke phiebhatique@gmail.com untuk
     mengetahui  detail pembayaran.
3. Untuk komunikasi Online bisa menggunakan:
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4. Untuk Offline lokasi : Surabaya


1. bagan anatomi
2. detail fashion sketch
3. proses pewarnaan
4. sketch dengan coreldraw & Photoshop

dress chifon

Janice Bernadia Kinsey
  • iyaaaaa
  • gaun sifon mba pop..
  • warna soft pink combine putih
  • ornamen mutiara2

    bahan yang disarankan :
    - 2 tone colour chifon / chifone silk
    - lining dari satin silk.

dress buat yang perutnya ngga langsing :p

Email Regieta :

"Gieta Neng Gieta
  • jenk...aku tolong dibuatkan desain baju pesta semi resmi ya, tinggi aku 153cm cuma BB aku gk bagus skrg 58kg, bentuk dada agak besar (dada burung), aku pingin panjang semata kaki & untuk menipu bentuk badan yg agak gendut diperut. please help me...tengkyu banget ya mb pophie...

    Potongan dada menyamarkan perut yang 'agak' gendut :)
    plus aksen plisket lidi.
    dres yang asimetris antara belakang dan muka.. mengesankan kaki kita memanjang :p
    Bahan yang disarankan:
    - chifon silk
    - lace
    - thai silk / shantung
    - satin silk